Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Eggs Gone Bad

 So today I moved my one viable living egg/chick to the hatching incubator. The excitement was very thick in my house, both kids were super excited even a friend little girl is counting down the days til its HATCHING DAY. After making sure that egg was settled, I went to candle my other eggs and I could smell a hint and something funky. I have tried to google this and even sniffed every single egg in there and the smell was coming from one egg. I am pretty sure the egg has gone bad and it was 11 days along. Here is a picture of the progress that is made day by day.

I have decided I will candle my eggs on day 5, day 11, and day 18 so I can keep track of the progress and get rid of any eggs that have gone bad or were not viable.

Here is a picture of an egg with the ring of blood, which means the embryo died and the blood has pooled. 


I took the suspected bad egg out of the incubator and put it in a ziplock baggy. I took my kiddos outside with the egg and cracked it open (thankful we didn't have to smell it) we saw the embryo had died, the yolk had broke and the shell was very thin and weak.

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